
Gingerbread gone all sorts of WRONG!

Well, I guess it’s about time for me to write a blog, it has only been like a week! I’m sorry for the delay, my body was not use to getting up at 6:30 in the morning and last week I literally came home & went right to sleep. This weekend was so productive though, I’m really proud of it. Don’t worry, I took plenty of pictures to show you, but I’ve come up with a method to the madness.
I usually blog about 5 things at once in my blog complete with like 20 pictures. Instead, I’m going to start blogging more frequently but with less projects and more in depth that way my readers can know where I got my inspiration, how I made things, etc.
Anyways, I wanted to show something kind of funny that happened this weekend. Gabe& I were both really excited about decorating a Gingerbread house together this year, but when we found a “Gingerbread Village” we were ecstatic!
Lets just say, we won’t be featured on “Cake Boss” or “Cupcake Wars” any time soon, Gabe should stick to baseball & I’ll stick to crafting (minus decorating gingerbread houses). See below for proof.
Off I go to work on my Christmas gifts, really great idea in my head- absolutely insane when it comes to cost, time and effort. But, I will prevail & I will post pictures after Christmas J
Now… on to the Gingerbread blowup.


  1. still looks good enough to eat...

  2. The thing on the right in the last picture? Is that a snow covered mountain? That's what it appears to be. Either way, it still looks yummy, so don't worry! =)
